Cherry Runtz » THC-Gehalt 17% | Alle Strain Infos | CBD-DEAL24 (2024)

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Cherry Runtz » THC-Gehalt 17% | Alle Strain Infos | CBD-DEAL24 (2024)


Is Cherry Pie runtz a sativa or indica? ›

Cherry Runtz is a delightful hybrid (50% indica, 50% sativa) cannabis strain that's created by crossing Runtz X Cherry Pie. This balanced hybrid strain is well-regarded for its sweet and fruity characteristics as well as a well-balanced and enjoyable high that often leaves consumers feeling relaxed and a bit sleepy.

What are the effects of the runtz strain? ›

The effects of this Sativa/Indica strain can be couch-locking for beginners, inducing deep and peaceful sleep, but they can also be very pleasant, leaving you feeling happy and uplifted. Common uses for Runtz weed include relaxation, chronic stress relief, and body pain relief.

What percent indica is runtz? ›

Is Runtz an Indica or a Sativa? Runtz is 50% Cannabis sativa and 50% Cannabis indica. Because of this, Runtz is considered one of the perfect hybrids.

Who created Cherry Runtz? ›

The original breeder of Cherry Runtz is Elev8 Seeds. Cherry Runtz is a hybrid weed strain made by crossing Runtz and Cherry Pie, with the big, beautiful purple buds to match.

What strain of runtz is the strongest? ›

If you're looking for the most potent Runtz strain to blow your top off, go for these ones: Coochie Runtz – 29% THC. Runtz Muffin – 29% THC. Greasy Runtz – 28% THC.

Is runtz strain good for pain? ›

Yes, cannabis enthusiasts generally agree that the Black Runtz strain provides some very potent effects. Featuring a THC count between 20 and 30%, this strain is known for its strong sedative properties that can benefit those seeking relief from ongoing pain.

Is runtz a upper or downer? ›

Runtz can be both an upper and a downer, depending on the dosage. Initially, it provides an uplifting and euphoric high, perfect for social settings and creative projects.

Why is runtz so strong? ›

Last but not least, due to the high THC content (usually between 20% to 24%), Runtz is a great late-night smoke. A slightly larger than normal dose will leave you feeling beautifully sedated and can give a huge amount of relief to those looking for a natural sleep aid.

Does runtz help with anxiety? ›

Runtz offers several potential benefits that make it a popular choice among medical cannabis users. These include: Stress and Anxiety Relief: The uplifting and euphoric effects can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

What does runtz smell like? ›

Runtz's terpene profile is rich, with sweet and fruity scents of dominant terpenes like myrcene and limonene, which contribute to its distinct candy-like aroma.

How long does runtz strain take to bud? ›

Growing Runtz requires skill, with an average flowering period of 8–9 weeks and yields ranging between 450–500g/m² under optimal conditions.

Is there 100 percent indica strains? ›

Indica plants are typically shorter, bushier, and have broader leaves compared to their sativa counterparts. They are known for their fast flowering times and high resin production. 100% indica strains are sought after for their potent physical effects, which can include deep relaxation, sedation, and pain relief.

Why is it called Runtz? ›

But we're guessing that Runtz only partially gets its name from its colors. Apparently, weed breeders love munching out on sweets as much as the average toker does, too. This strain has a distinctly tropical, sugary scent that makes it smell more like candy than weed.

What is white cherry runtz? ›

The White Cherry Runtz strain is a cross of White Runtz and Cherry Pie that runs evenly balanced at 50/50 on the indica/sativa spectrum.

Do Runtz still exist? ›

Don't worry, Runtz isn't going anywhere, but here's why you will soon be seeing all of our products labeled as R*ntz instead. The best way to understand how the strain widely known as Runtz got its name is simply to take a hit of it.

Is Cherry Pie a sativa or indica? ›

Cherry Pie strain is an indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain with a 20% sativa and 80% indica composition.

Which runtz is sativa? ›

Blue Runtz Strain

Keep in mind that this strain leans towards the sativa side of things, so it's going to make you feel happy, euphoric, uplifted, and talkative. It's ideal for social situations. In terms of the flavor, the dominant terpene is limonene, which means it has a citrusy aroma.

Is white cherry runtz indica or sativa? ›

The White Cherry Runtz strain is a cross of White Runtz and Cherry Pie that runs evenly balanced at 50/50 on the indica/sativa spectrum.

Is Berry Pie indica or sativa? ›

Berry Pie is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain composed of 60% sativa and 40% indica genetics.


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.