Current Values for U.S. Currency Fancy Serial Numbers
Modern Fancy Serial Numbers (1963-Now)
Denomination | Number Type | Seal | Circulated F-XF | Uncirculated |
$1 | Ladder Serial | Green | $500.-$1300. | $1600.+ |
$2 | Ladder Serial | Green | $1600.-$2400. | $3000.+ |
$2 | Ladder Serial | Red | $2800.-$4600. | $5000.+ |
$5 | Ladder Serial | Green | $500.-$1300. | $1600.+ |
$5 | Ladder Serial | Red | $2400.-$3400. | $4100.+ |
$10 | Ladder SerialLadder Serial Numbers Ascending 01234567 12345678 23456789 or Descending 98765432 87654321 76543210 Only six combinations of true ladder serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $500.-$1300. | $1600.+ |
$20 | Ladder Serial | Green | $500.-$1300. | $1600.+ |
$50 | Ladder Serial | Green | $1000.-$1800. | $2200.+ |
$100 | Ladder Serial | Green | $1000.-$1800. | $2200.+ |
$100 | Ladder Serial | Red | $3400.-$4800. | $5500.+ |
$1 | Solid Serial | Green | $600.-$1200. | $1400.+ |
$2 | Solid Serial | Green | $1500.-$4600. | $5000.+ |
$2 | Solid Serial | Red | $2800.-$5200. | $6000.+ |
$5 | Solid Serial | Green | $600.-$1200. | $1400.+ |
$5 | Solid Serial | Red | $2400.-$3400. | $4100.+ |
$10 | Solid SerialSolid Serial Numbers 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 88888888 99999999 Only 9 combinations of Solid serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $600.-$1200. | $1400.+ |
$20 | Solid Serial | Green | $600.-$1200. | $1400.+ |
$50 | Solid Serial | Green | $800.-$1800. | $2400.+ |
$100 | Solid Serial | Green | $800.-$1800. | $2400.+ |
$100 | Solid Serial | Red | $3400.-$4800. | $5500.+ |
$1 | Super Radar | Green | $45.-$90. | $120.+ |
$2 | Super Radar | Green | $75.-$120. | $180.+ |
$2 | Super Radar | Red | $2800.-$3800. | $4500.+ |
$5 | Super Radar | Green | $45.-$90. | $130.+ |
$5 | Super Radar | Red | $2400.-$3400. | $4100.+ |
$10 | Super RadarSuper Radar Serials 01111110 to 98888889 Super Radar notes carry just two different numbers. The first and last digit being the same as each other, and the middle six numbers all being a different number but all the same numeral. For example 10000001 or 89999998. Only 90 combinations of Super Radar serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $45.-$90. | $130.+ |
$20 | Super Radar | Green | $45.-$90. | $130.+ |
$50 | Super Radar | Green | $90.-$130. | $180.+ |
$100 | Super Radar | Green | $140.-$180. | $220.+ |
$100 | Super Radar | Red | $3400.-$4800. | $5500.+ |
$1 | Super Repeater | Green | $45.-$90. | $120.+ |
$2 | Super Repeater | Green | $75.-$120. | $180.+ |
$2 | Super Repeater | Red | $2800.-$3800. | $4500.+ |
$5 | Super Repeater | Green | $45.-$90. | $130.+ |
$5 | Super Repeater | Red | $2400.-$3400. | $4100.+ |
$10 | Super RepeaterSuper Repeater Serials 01010101 to 98989898 Super Repeaters are notes which the first two digits in the serial number are repeated four times. For example 10101010, 53535353, 76767676 or 84848484. Only 90 combinations of Super Repeater serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $45.-$90. | $130.+ |
$20 | Super Repeater | Green | $45.-$90. | $130.+ |
$50 | Super Repeater | Green | $90.-$130. | $180.+ |
$100 | Super Repeater | Green | $140.-$180. | $220.+ |
$100 | Super Repeater | Red | $3400.-$4800. | $5500.+ |
$1 | Single Digit | Green | $400.-$900. | $1500.+ |
$2 | Single Digit | Green | $900.-$1500. | $2400.+ |
$2 | Single Digit | Red | $2800.-$3800. | $4500.+ |
$5 | Single Digit | Green | $400.-$900. | $1500.+ |
$10 | Single Digit | Green | $400.-$900. | $1500.+ |
$20 | Single DigitSingle 'One' Digit 00000001 to 00000009 or 10000000 to 90000000 The prices listed for Single Digit notes in our guide is for notes whose serial number is preceded or followed by seven zeroes. For example 00000001 or 10000000. Only 18 combinations of Single Digit serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $400.-$900. | $1500.+ |
$50 | Single Digit | Green | $600.-$1200. | $1600.+ |
$100 | Single Digit | Green | $600.-$1100. | $1600.+ |
$100 | Single Digit | Red | $3400.-$4800. | $5500.+ |
$1 | Double Digit | Green | $60.-$90. | $115.+ |
$2 | Double Digit | Green | $120.-$180. | $250.+ |
$2 | Double Digit | Red | $300.-$400. | $500.+ |
$5 | Double Digit | Green | $60.-$90. | $125.+ |
$5 | Double Digit | Red | $200.-$300. | $400.+ |
$10 | Double DigitDouble 'Two' Digit 00000010 to 00000099 or 11000000 to 99000000 The prices listed for Double Digit notes in our guide, is for notes whose serial number is preceded or followed by six zeroes. For example 00000011 or 11000000. Only 179 combinations of Double 'Two' Digit serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $60.-$90. | $125.+ |
$20 | Double Digit | Green | $60.-$90. | $115.+ |
$50 | Double Digit | Green | $110.-$140. | $195.+ |
$100 | Double Digit | Green | $140.-$180. | $225.+ |
$100 | Double Digit | Red | $200.-$300. | $400.+ |
$1 | Seven of a kind | Green | $70.-$90. | $130.+ |
$2 | Seven of a kind | Green | $110.-$130. | $190.+ |
$2 | Seven of a kind | Red | $225.-$275. | $400.+ |
$5 | Seven of a kind | Green | $70.-$90. | $140.+ |
$5 | Seven of a kind | Red | $100.-$200. | $300.+ |
$10 | Seven of a kindSeven of a kind 'in a row' 11111110 to 99999990 or 01111111 to 09999999 The prices listed for Seven of a kind notes in our guide, is for notes whose serial number is preceded or followed by seven ones through seven nines. For example 11111112 or 21111111 or 99999991 or 19999999. Only 144 combinations of Seven of a kind 'in a row' exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $70.-$90. | $140.+ |
$20 | Seven of a kind | Green | $70.-$90. | $140.+ |
$50 | Seven of a kind | Green | $100.-$130. | $190.+ |
$100 | Seven of a kind | Green | $150.-$180. | $225.+ |
$100 | Seven of a kind | Red | $200.-$300. | $400.+ |
$1 | Six of a kind | Green | $8.-$12. | $20.+ |
$2 | Six of a kind | Green | $15.-$25. | $40.+ |
$2 | Six of a kind | Red | $20.-$30. | $50.+ |
$5 | Six of a kind | Green | $10.-$15. | $20.+ |
$5 | Six of a kind | Red | $15.-$20. | $25.+ |
$10 | Six of a kindSix of a kind 'in a row' 11111100 to 99999900 or 00111111 to 00999999 The prices listed for Six of a kind notes in our guide, is for notes whose serial number is preceded or followed by six ones through six nines. For example 11111122 or 22111111 or 99999911 or 11999999. Only 1432 combinations of Six of a kind 'in a row' exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $13.-$18. | $20.+ |
$20 | Six of a kind | Green | $23.-$28. | $30.+ |
$50 | Six of a kind | Green | $60.-$65. | $70.+ |
$100 | Six of a kind | Green | $105.-$115. | $125.+ |
$100 | Six of a kind | Red | $135.-$170. | $185.+ |
$1 | Double Quad | Green | $35.-$80. | $120.+ |
$2 | Double Quad | Green | $75.-$120. | $160.+ |
$2 | Double Quad | Red | $150.-$200. | $300.+ |
$5 | Double Quad | Green | $40.-$85. | $125.+ |
$5 | Double Quad | Red | $90.-$150. | $200.+ |
$10 | Double QuadDouble Quad 00001111 to 99998888 The prices listed for Double Quad notes in our guide, is for notes with 2 sets of 4 matching numbers in a row. For example 11112222 or 99994444. Only 90 combinations of Double Quad serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $40.-$85. | $125.+ |
$20 | Double Quad | Green | $45.-$75. | $120.+ |
$50 | Double Quad | Green | $85.-$125. | $150.+ |
$100 | Double Quad | Green | $145.-$175. | $200.+ |
$100 | Double Quad | Red | $280.-$360. | $400.+ |
$1 | Quad Doubles | Green | $4.-$12. | $15.+ |
$2 | Quad Doubles | Green | $5.-$15. | $20.+ |
$2 | Quad Doubles | Red | $10.-$30. | $40.+ |
$5 | Quad Doubles | Green | $8.-$14. | $20.+ |
$5 | Quad Doubles | Red | $10.-$30. | $40.+ |
$10 | Quad DoublesQuad Doubles 00112233 to 99887766 The prices listed for Quad Doubles notes in our guide, is for notes with 4 sets of 2 matching numbers in a row. For example 11223344 or 77554422. 11112233 would not be considered a quad double. 4 different pairs of numbers are needed. Only 7290 combinations of true Quad Double serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $15.-$25. | $30.+ |
$20 | Quad Doubles | Green | $25.-$35. | $40.+ |
$50 | Quad Doubles | Green | $60.-$75. | $95.+ |
$100 | Quad Doubles | Green | $120.-$150. | $200.+ |
$100 | Quad Doubles | Red | $175.-$200. | $250.+ |
$1 | Binary | Green | $35.-$80. | $100.+ |
$2 | Binary | Green | $75.-$120. | $160.+ |
$2 | Binary | Red | $150.-$250. | $300.+ |
$5 | Binary | Green | $40.-$85. | $125.+ |
$5 | Binary | Red | $85.-$175. | $250.+ |
$10 | BinaryBinary 'zeroes and ones' 01110110,11010100,10111001 The prices listed for Binary notes in our guide, is for notes with the serial number bearing only zeroes and ones. Only 254 combinations of two digit true binary serial numbers exist for every hundred million notes printed. [X] | Green | $40.-$85. | $125.+ |
$20 | Binary | Green | $45.-$75. | $120.+ |
$50 | Binary | Green | $85.-$125. | $150.+ |
$100 | Binary | Green | $145.-$175. | $200.+ |
$100 | Binary | Red | $275.-$350. | $400.+ |
Denomination | Number Type | Seal | Circulated F-XF | Uncirculated |
What exactly makes up a Fancy Serial Number from a collector's point of view? In short, any note bearing a serial number with a repeating pattern of some sort. For example 10000001, 10101010, 10011001, 11001100, 11111111, 11112222, 12345678, etc., would all be considered a fancy serial numbers. Other numbers that don't exactly have a repeating pattern but are still desirable to collectors, are seven of a kind in a row, i.e. 11111110, six of a kind in a row, i.e. 11111100, True Binaries, 'zeroes and ones' in any order, i.e. 01110110, 11010100, Single 'One' Digit, i.e. 00000001 and Double 'Two' Digit, i.e. 00000010 serial numbers. The prices for the Fancy Serial Numbers listed in our price guide, are what one could expect to pay or realize when selling at auction or in a retail sale for the grades listed. The fancy serial types referenced in our guide are as follows: |
Ladder Serial - (01234567,12345678,23456789) or (98765432,87654321,76543210) |
Solid Serial - (11111111 to 99999999) |
Super Radar - (01111110 to 98888889) or (01233210, 12344321, etc.) |
Super Repeater - (01010101 to 98989898) |
Single 'One' Digit - (00000001 to 00000009) or (10000000 to 90000000) |
Double 'Two' Digit - (00000010 to 00000099) or (11000000 to 99000000) |
Seven of a kind 'in a row' - (11111110 to 99999990) or (01111111 to 09999999) |
Six of a kind 'in a row' - (11111100 to 99999900) or (00111111 to 00999999) |
Double Quad '2 sets of 4 matching numbers in a row' - (00001111 to 99998888) |
Quad Doubles '4 sets of 2 matching numbers in a row' - (00112233 to 99887766) |
Binary 'zeroes and ones' - (01110110,11010100,10111001,etc.) |
U.S. Currency Price Guide
Fancy Serial NumbersStar NotesError Notes
* The prices or values listed are based on average prices realized from recent and past U.S. paper money auction results and fixed price retail sales for the fancy serial numbers listed in our guide. The information provided here should be used only as a guide. The price a seller receives or a buyer pays, could be substantially more or less than the prices listed. Recent sales, supply and demand, condition, and rarity, are important to the overall valuation or worth of any note. While we do our best to update the price guide as often as possible, we do not guarantee the prices or values provided herewith are current.
What's it worth? United States Currency, Dollar Bill, Banknote, Paper Money, Fancy Serial Number Checker, Value Lookup, Price List, Guide