How Much is Costco Gas in the Bay Area Today? | CostContessa (2025)

Gas is expensive everywhere right now, but especially in the Bay Area! OUCH! Filling up at Costco gas in the Bay Area might save you a lot when you fill up your gas tank – see below for a snapshot of today’s Costco Gasoline Station prices for regular and premium gas as well as today’s hours of operation. Be sure to double check all gas prices in real time before you wait in line –here’s how to check your nearby Costco Gas prices!

All Costco gas stations in the Bay Area area offer regular and premium gas. Currently, no Costco Gasoline Stations in the San Francisco Bay Area offer Diesel Gas.

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How Much is Costco Gas in the Bay Area Today? | CostContessa (1)

As of today, the cheapest Costco Gas Station in the Bay Area is the Danville Costco Gasoline which costs $5.87 for regular gas.

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Not all Costco locations offer a Costco Gasoline Station. San Francisco, South San Francisco Business Center, Mountain View and Foster City do not have Costco Gas Stations. Hayward Costco does have a Gas Station, but it’s currently closed.

Table Of Contents

  1. Today's Prices and Hours for Costco Gas in the Bay Area
    • San Francisco
    • El Camino
    • South San Francisco Business Center
    • South San Francisco
    • Foster City
    • Redwood City
    • Mountain View
    • Richmond
    • San Leandro
    • Hayward Business Center
    • Hayward
    • Fremont
    • Sunnyvale
    • Santa Clara
    • San Jose
    • North East San Jose
    • Livermore
    • Danville
    • Concord
    • Fairfield

Today’s Prices and Hours for Costco Gas in the Bay Area

San Francisco

The Costco in San Francisco does not have a Costco gasoline station.

El Camino

Costco gasoline station in El Camino will cost $6.19 for regular gas and $6.49 for premium gas today. The El Camino Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

South San Francisco Business Center

The South San Francisco Business Center does not have a Costco gasoline station.

South San Francisco

Costco gasoline station in South San Francisco will cost $6.19 for regular gas and $6.49 for premium gas today. The South San Francisco Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

Foster City

The Foster City Costco does not have a gas station.

Redwood City

Costco gasoline station in Redwood City will cost $5.99 for regular gas and $6.29 for premium gas today. The Redwood City Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

Mountain View

The Mountain View Costco does not have a gas station.


Costco gasoline station in Richmond will cost $6.19 for regular gas and $5.59 for premium gas today. The Richmond Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. p.m.

San Leandro

Costco gasoline station in San Leandro will cost $5.95 for regular gas and $6.26 for premium gasoline today. The San Leandro Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

Hayward Business Center

Costco gasoline station at the Costco Hayward Business Center will cost $5.97 for regular gasoline and $6.17 for premium gas today. The Hayward Business Center Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.


Costco Hayward gasoline station is currently closed. Please check the Costco website to see when this location reopens the gas station.


Costco gasoline station in Fremont will cost $6.24 for regular gas and $6.54 for premium gas today. Costco gas station Fremont is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.


Costco gasoline station in Sunnyvale will cost $5.97 for regular gas and $6.29 for premium gas today. Costco Gas Station Sunnyvale is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

Santa Clara

Costco gasoline station in Santa Clara will cost $5.99 for regular gas and $6.29 for premium gas today. Costco Santa Clara gas station is open today from 5:30 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

San Jose

Costco Gasoline station in San Jose will cost $6.09 for regular gas and $6.39 for premium gas today. Costco San Jose gas station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 p.m.

North East San Jose

Costco gasoline station in NE San Jose will cost $5.97 for regular gas and $6.39 for premium gas. Costco NE San Jose gas station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 p.m.


Costco gasoline station in Livermore will cost $6.15 for regular gas and $6.55 for premium gas today. Costco Livermore gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 p.m.


Costco gasoline station in Danville will cost $5.87 for regular gas and $6.25 for premium gas today. The Danville Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.


Costco gasoline station in Concord will cost $6.09 for regular gas and $6.29 for premium gas today. The Concord Costco gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.


Costco gasoline station in Fairfield will cost $5.99 for regular gas today and $6.29 for premium gas. Costco Fairfield gasoline station is open today from 6 a.m. until 9:30 pm.

Guide to Paying at the Pump at Costco Gas

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Be sure to check the latest Costco Gas Station Pricing near you onCostco.combefore you wait in line! It’s easy to check the pricing both online and on the Costco app –read this post to learn how to find it– straight from the source – Costco!

All opinions expressed on CostContessa are our own. Product features and nutrition information provided on our site is provided to us by third parties, and we do not independently verify its accuracy. Consumers should verify all information. Our content is not intended as a substitute for medical counseling or reading packaging yourself. Please always see actual package information yourself (it can and does change!) and consult your doctor with all questions.

How Much is Costco Gas in the Bay Area Today? | CostContessa (2025)


How to find Costco gas prices? ›

Costco Gasoline
  1. Launch the app and tap the Warehouse icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap the pin of the warehouse you want to view gas prices at. You will be taken to the Warehouse details page.
  3. View the warehouse's hours and current gas prices.
  4. Find Costco gas stations with Diesel by filtering your search.

What's the price of gas at Costco in Santa Clara? ›

Costco in Santa Clara (1601 Coleman Ave)

What is the price of gas in the bay area? ›

San Francisco Average Gas Price
Yesterday's Avg.$4.93$5.14
Week Ago Avg.$4.94$5.15
Month Ago Avg.$5.12$5.36
Year Ago Avg.$4.9$5.09

What state has the highest gas prices right now? ›

California has the highest price of gas, with an average of $4.74 per gallon of regular gas. Table with 4 columns and 5 rows. Per gallon of regular gas. Prices are updated daily.

How to see Costco prices? ›

You must be logged in to and have a valid Costco Membership number saved in your online account to view pricing and/or purchase Member Only Items. When viewing product details, you will be prompted to login to your account to display pricing and enable the Add to Cart button.

Can I go to Costco without my card? ›

You will be required to show your membership card when entering any Costco warehouse and when checking out at a payment register. Bar codes, photos or other copies are not acceptable. Your membership card must have a card number and recognizable, unobstructed full-face photo to be valid.

Where does Costco gas come from? ›

Q: Where does Costco get its fuel? A: Costco buys fuel from major refineries and distributors in each area. All Kirkland Signature™ Fuel is guaranteed, just like the merchandise we sell inside the warehouse.

How much is a gallon of gas in Santa Clara? ›

Santa Clara Average Gas Price
Current Avg.$4.93$5.36
Yesterday's Avg.$4.94$5.36
Week Ago Avg.$4.98$5.39
Month Ago Avg.$5.16$5.57
1 more row

Does Costco have Memorial Day off? ›

Along with Memorial Day, Costco is also closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Labor Day, Easter and July 4. All dates you might want to jot down on your 2024 calendar.

Where in California is gas $10 a gallon? ›

The most expensive gas in the US is at this California station at nearly $10 a gallon: Gas Buddy. A gas station in Mendocino, Northern California, is now charging nearly $10 a gallon. According to GasBuddy, it's the most expensive gas in the US.

Where in California is gas $7 per gallon? ›

The station is on Alameda de las Pulgas in Menlo Park, a city in the Bay Area. While $7 a gallon is staggering, it's not the highest in the state.

Where is gas cheapest in the US? ›

September 2023 Gasoline Price Updates
  • Mississippi has the cheapest gasoline prices in the U.S., where the average cost is $3.29 per gallon. ...
  • Louisiana has the second-cheapest gas, with the average cost hitting $3.36 per gallon.
  • Coming in third place is Texas, with gas prices at $3.38 per gallon.
Sep 11, 2023

Why is California gas so high? ›

That's not an anomaly — Californians consistently pay more for gas than the rest of the country. A confluence of factors join together to increase the price of gas in The Golden State, including environmental restrictions, higher taxes and a shrinking number of regional refineries.

What city has the cheapest gas? ›

Table of Contents
  • Kansas City, Missouri.
  • St. Louis.
  • Wichita, Kansas.
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • Denver.
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  • Tucson, Arizona.
  • Aurora, Colorado.
Mar 7, 2011

Is Costco membership worth it for gas? ›

“Costco has a wide range of businesses, and this is seen as a boost to those businesses.” Even if you're not a Costco shopper, the savings on gasoline alone can make the price of a $60 membership worthwhile.

How to see receipts on Costco app? ›

Orders and Purchases can be found just after your digital membership card, which is where you'll find your receipts and order information.


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.