“Daddy doesn't smile anymore. Do you think he hates me?”After losing his wife, Tsubasa spends his days with his five year old son Sora whilst trying to balance his job, household chores and childrearing. Wishing to raise his son to be a respected adult, Tsubasa continues to show a strict side to his son and gradually loses his smile. However it is at this moment that the straightforward and sociable Hiro moves into the same apartment. Upon witnessing the demanding life Tsubasa lives, Hiro decides to lend a hand, but for Tsubasa who doesn't know how to rely on others, will Hiro's efforts reach him…?
“Daddy doesn't smile anymore. Do you think he hates me?”After losing his wife, Tsubasa spends his days with his five year old son Sora whilst trying to balance his job, household chores and childrearing. Wishing to raise his son to be a respected adult, Tsubasa continues to show a strict side to his son and gradually loses his smile. However it is at this moment that the straightforward and sociable Hiro moves into the same apartment. Upon witnessing the demanding life Tsubasa lives, Hiro decides to lend a hand, but for Tsubasa who doesn't know how to rely on others, will Hiro's efforts reach him…?
Comments 4
Chapters 5
“Daddy doesn't smile anymore. Do you think he hates me?”After losing his wife, Tsubasa spends his days with his five year old son Sora whilst trying to balance his job, household chores and childrearing. Wishing to raise his son to be a respected adult, Tsubasa continues to show a strict side to his son and gradually loses his smile. However it is at this moment that the straightforward and sociable Hiro moves into the same apartment. Upon witnessing the demanding life Tsubasa lives, Hiro decides to lend a hand, but for Tsubasa who doesn't know how to rely on others, will Hiro's efforts reach him…?
hou Yuhao
Oct 25, 2024
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
Sep 23, 2024
There's a certain fire in your eyes that I can't resist. Let's explore that feeling together, with a touch that promises a night of passionate connection and untold possibilities. f1nd me on delphinemaple_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 13, 2024
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The series Papa To Boku To Kazoku Ni Natte Yo contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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