Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (2024)

Are you interested in collecting paper money? Do you want to learn how to check whether your dollar bills are worth anything?

You’ve come to the right place!

We wrote this article to explain everything you need to know about paper money value by serial numbers.

Your $1, $5, $10 or $100 may be worth more than its face value if it has a special serial number. So before you give your bill away, check to see if you will spot any fancy digits.

Most people do not know how to identify high-value serial numbers on bank notes. But this article will teach you exactly what to look for to determine your paper money value.

So, let’s jump in and discover how to know if your paper money is worth anything.

Bank Note Symbols: What Do They Mean?

Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (1)

Have you ever wondered what all the numbers, letters and images on bank notes mean?

Each bank is special in its own way, as it has a unique serial number. But, the serial number is not the only identifier of Federal Reserve bank notes—these bills also feature symbols such as the following:

  • Series Number
  • Back and Front Plate Numbers
  • Federal Reserve Bank Indicators
  • Position Letter and Number
  • Treasury Seal

Let’s briefly look at the meaning of each of these identifiers.

1. Serial Number

The serial number is on the front side and at the top and bottom of U.S. Federal Reserve Bank notes.

This identifier consists of 10 or 11 numbers and letters; each note has a uniquely different serial number.

You will notice that each string of serial numbers starts with a letter corresponding to the series year.

Some notes will have a small star next to the serial number to indicate that the note replaces a previous note.

2. Series Year

You can locate the series year at the bottom of the note on the front side.

This identifier symbolizes the year the Secretary of the Treasury approved a new design for the banknote.

It could also represent the year in which the Federal Reserve added the signature of a new treasurer or secretary to the banknote.

You will notice a capital letter after the series year on some notes. This shows that the Mint significantly changed the note’s design and general appearance.

3. Back and Front Plate Numbers

The Mint uses printing plates to produce paper money. Each note features a letter or combination of letters showing the facility where the currency was printed.

For example, a $1 bill printed at Fort Worth, Texas, will have the letters FW on the front and back sides of the note. The plate number is also indicated alongside the letters.

4. Note Position and Plate Number

The note’s position and number are found on the front side of a banknote. These identifiers represent the position a note was printed on when placed on the printing plate.

Note positions can range from A1 to J-5. Although this is an interesting feature, it doesn’t play a big role in determining the value of your paper money.

5. Treasury Seal

Collectors often check the treasury seal to see if their paper money is valuable. Most paper currency spots a green seal located to the right.

Until the 1969 series year, the green seal appeared on all bank notes. The seal also spots some English wording, which was part of a design change made at the time.

Now that you know the various symbols on your banknote, let’s discover the paper money value by serial numbers.

What Is Your Paper Money Worth: Fancy Serial Numbers and Their Values

Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (3)

As we’ve mentioned, each paper note has a unique serial number. These ten or eleven digits aid in identifying bank notes and mitigating duplication, whether that’s a $1 or $100 bill.

Serial numbers are generally banal, ordinary digits. But some are interesting, and collectors have termed these digits fancy serial numbers.

Fancy serial numbers are not rare, but you need to know what to look for to spot one on your banknotes.

If you are lucky enough to find paper money with a fancy serial number, it might be worth more than its face value. Uncirculated bank notes with fancy numbers can be worth a fortune!

Here is a list of fancy serial numbers you might spot on paper money and their corresponding value.

1. Low Serial Numbers

Collectors are always looking for low serial numbers, which can be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Low serial numbers start with six or seven zeros and go from 1 to 99—for example, 00000001, 00000020, 00000034, etc.

Serial number 1 is the most popular among collectors, as it is much more valuable than the bank note’s face value.

Low serial numbers fall under two categories. These are:

  • 00000001 to 00000009: A banknote with a serial number in this range can fetch between $600 and $3500, depending on its condition. However, as the number approaches 9, the value can decrease significantly.
  • 00000010 to 00000099: These notes can be worth as much as $300, but others can bring in up to $500 depending on their condition. The serial number 10 is usually worth more, and the value decreases as you approach the number 99; such numbers may be worth up to $100 maximum.

2. High Serial Number

High serial numbers are also popular among collectors. The higher the number, the more valuable your paper money might be.

High serial numbers refer to those that start with at least four nines; the more the nines, the more paper money value you will realize.

Examples of high serial numbers are 99999900, 996001267, and 99985219.

A high serial number with five nines at the beginning can fetch between $50 and $80, while the value can increase from $100 to $400 for a serial number with six or seven nines.

Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (4)

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3. Ladder Serial Number

A ladder serial number is one in which the string of numbers ascends or descends when read from left to right.

In descending serial numbers, the second digit should be lower by one than the preceding one—for example, 98765432.

When it comes to ascending serial numbers, the second digit is higher by one than the previous one. For example, 23456789.

Generally, descending serial numbers are scarcer than ascending ones because paper currency in the United States is typically printed from low to high serial numbers. As a result, descending ladder serial numbers will tend to be more valuable than the ascending ones.

The value of ladder serial numbers is between $600 and $2,100 depending on factors such as the note’s condition and how ‘’fancy’’ or unique the number is.

4. Binary Serial Numbers

Binary serial numbers feature two digits in any order, for example, 77373773.

Another binary serial number category is a true binary, which features only ones and zeros, for example, 01101001.

True binary serial numbers are more valuable and fetch as much as $40 to $150. Such a serial number resembles computer codes and may appeal to collectors fascinated by digital technology.

An ordinary binary serial number is equally valuable and may increase your paper money’s face value by $20-$75.

5. Radar Serial Number

The radar serial numbers are quite interesting. They gain their name from the word RADAR, which can be read the same way from left to right and vice versa.

When it comes to radar serial numbers, you can read the digits left to right and right to left, achieving the same result, for example, 54566545 and 83344338.

There are several types of radar serial numbers. Here are a few examples:

  • Binary radar

Binary radar serial numbers comprise only two digits, for example, 47477474.

  • Repeater Radar

A repeater radar number is one in which the first and last four digits are similar and can be read the same way forwards and backwards. These numbers are inherently binary as they consist of two unique digits. Here’s an example: 52255225, 91199119.

A radar serial number can increase your paper money’s face value by $15 to $20, which isn’t bad at all.

6. Repeater Serial Numbers

The first four and last four digits are similar in the repeater serial numbers.

Examples of repeater serial numbers are 83428342, 67546754, 31123112, etc. Such a serial number can be worth as much as $25 to $50.

Another variation of the repeater serial number is the super repeater, where the first two numbers are replicated four times—for example, 98989898, 71717171, 25252525.

7. Solid Serial Number

A solid serial number is one on which all the digits are similar, i.e. one digit is repeated eight times. Examples include 44444444, 88888888, 11111111.

Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (5)

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These days, paper money is only printed to the serial number 9600000. Solid serial numbers consisting of 9’s, 8’s, 7’s and 6’s are the most valuable. In particular, bills with 9s only are rare and mostly appear in older series, making them extra valuable.

Paper bills with solid serial numbers have, in the past, sold for as much as $20,000, making solid serial numbers among the most sought-after in the collector community.

8. Million Serial Numbers

As the name suggests, a million serial numbers start with a single digit followed by seven zeros. Examples Include 90000000, 50000000, 80000000.

If you are lucky enough to come across a bill with a million serial numbers, it might be worth an impressive $700 to $1,800.

9. Seven-In-A-Row Serial Numbers

The seven-in-a-row serial number is also known as a near-solid serial number in the collector community. This number consists of one unique digit and seven repetitive numbers at the start or the end.

Remember that solid serial numbers are ones in which all the eight numbers are similar. Seven in a row or near solid serial number is one in which only seven digits are the same.

Here are a few examples: 32222222, 44444441, 59999999, etc.

A seven-in-a-row serial number can increase the value of a paper note by about $80 to $200.

10. Anniversary or Birthday Serial Numbers

Serial numbers representing a special date are very interesting, with collectors willing to pay a couple hundred or even thousands of dollars for such notes.

There is no set value for anniversary or birthday serial numbers; it all depends on the significance the buyer attaches to the number.

Examples include 01151929 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), 05251868 (Memorial Day), and 07041776 (Signing of the Declaration of Independence).

If the serial number matches a person’s birthday or other important milestone, they might be willing to pay more than face value for that paper note.

Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (6)

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11. Double Quad

Double quad serial numbers are ones in which the first four digits are the same, and the last four are also the same.

Here are a few examples: 11112222, 99992222, and 77775555. These serial numbers can fetch between $80 and $180 depending on the meaning you attach to the serial number and other factors, such as the paper note’s condition.

These are the most common fancy serial numbers that can increase the value of your paper money. Other factors that can affect how much your paper money is worth are Rarity and condition.

Rare serial numbers, or those that do not occur frequently, are generally more valuable than common ones.

Uncirculated paper notes with fancy serial numbers are significantly more valuable than circulated currency.


How can I check the serial number on my money?

Serial numbers are the eight digits on the front of U.S. paper money. The digits are usually combined with letters and appear on paper currency’s upper right and bottom left. Each bill has a unique serial number, here is a tool for you.

How do I know if my paper money is worth anything?

Ancient bills, particularly those printed between 1862 and 1917, are usually worth a lot as they are considered collectable antiques. These bills typically spot a blue, red or brown seal, while the modern notes feature a green seal. If you have an antique paper bill in uncirculated condition, it might be worth hundreds or even thousands and more if it has a ‘’fancy’’ serial number.

What is the importance of serial numbers in money?

The serial number on money is predominantly used to mitigate counterfeits. Each bill has a unique serial number; no two notes can or should have the same number. That said, two bills can have the same serial numbers if they are from different years or have a different series year.

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Paper Money Value by Serial Numbers (11 Most Valuable Types) (2024)


How to tell if your paper money is worth anything? ›

Here's what to look for.
  1. Low Serial Number. Collectors love bills with low serial numbers, such as those below 1,000 or 100 (eg. 00000100). ...
  2. High Number. ...
  3. Flippers. ...
  4. Star Notes. ...
  5. Repeaters and Super Repeaters. ...
  6. Solids and Near Solids. ...
  7. Binary Bills. ...
  8. Trinary Bills.
Jun 10, 2024

What serial numbers on $100 bills are worth money? ›

Other coveted fancy serial numbers include:
  • Repeaters (36643664)
  • Super repeaters (36363636)
  • Binary bills (43433433)
  • Radars (47399374)
  • Super radars (93333339)
  • Double quads (22225555)
Feb 7, 2024

How do I know if my $1 dollar bill is worth anything? ›

Here are three things to look for on your bills if they are worth more than a dollar:
  1. The Series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013”
  2. The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number.
Apr 28, 2024

How much is a 1976 $2 bill worth? ›

“A serial number '1' for a 1976 $2 bill would be worth $20,000 or more. But [for] a majority of those people holding 1976 $2 bills, they are only worth face value. There are very few that actually exceed face value.” Other high-value serial numbers include what collectors call “solid” or “ladders.”

How much is a 1957 dollar bill worth? ›

As mentioned, these bills aren't worth much. The 1957 $1 silver certificates are worth around $3.75 in very fine condition. In uncirculated conditions, the price is around $12-12.50 for bills with an MS 63 grade. Does an old 100 dollar have the same worth with a new 100 dollar?

What are the most valuable serial numbers on money? ›

One of the most valuable serial number variations is known as a “ladder,” and could be worth anywhere from $9 to $100,000, according to financial news outlet The Penny Hoarder. When the serial number ascends (example: 12345678) or descends (example: 8765431) in order, currency collectors/dealers call it a ladder.

How to look up serial number on money? ›

Serial Number

A unique combination of eleven numbers and letters appears twice on the front of the note. Each note has a unique serial number. The first letter of the serial number corresponds to the series year. A “star” suffix is used to identify notes that serve as replacements during the production process.

What is a rare $20 bill? ›

The most valuable $20 of all is the 1878 silver certificate, valued at between $10,000 and $35,000. Look for the red seal. More recent bills can also be worth extra cash, the most recent of which are certain bills printed in 1996, which can be worth more than $500. The full list can be viewed here.

How do I find out what my star note is worth? ›

Star notes never have a set value—they're only as valuable as other people say they are. That's why the best way to find out the value of yours is to sell the currency on a site like eBay and let other people decide for you in an open auction.

Is there an app to check dollar bill value? ›

Easily identify banknotes with Cash Reader! Just point your camera at any bill from over a hundred supported currencies and hear its value instantly.

Which $1 bills from 2013 are worth money? ›

collectors in the United States are willing to pay up to $150,000 for rare $1 bills that feature a particular printing error * The series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013″ * The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number * The serial number must end ...

What $2 bill is worth $4,500? ›

An auction site called U.S. Currency Auctions estimates that uncirculated $2 bills from 1890 could sell for at least $4,500.

Which $100 bill is worth money? ›

100-Dollar Bill Value Chart
YearTypeCirculated Value
1890Treasury Note$50,000 - $100,000
1891Silver Certificate$7,000 - $15,000
1934Federal Reserve Note$135 - $175
1950Federal Reserve Note$115 - $140
10 more rows
Apr 9, 2024

What 2 dollar bill has a rare serial number? ›

If the serial number, printed on the left and right sides of the bill's face, starts with the number 1 and was printed in 1976, you could have hit the jackpot — the bill could be worth more than $20,000, per MarketWatch. Other serial numbers that would interest collectors are "solid" or "ladder" serial numbers.

Is there an app to identify paper money value? ›

Cash Reader: Bill Identifier is a free app that helps you identify the denomination of the banknotes you have in your wallet. Just point the camera to the paper money and you'll hear, see, or feel the value of the currency. What can Cash Reader do?

Is my $2 bill worth anything? ›

One way to determine if a $2 bill is worth more than another is the color of the seal and also the age of the bill. Newer versions with a green seal are likely worth face value, but denominations with a red seal have a higher value.

How do you check paper currency? ›

The watermark should match the portrait on the bill. Look for security threads: Most genuine banknotes have a thin, embedded security thread that runs vertically through the bill. Hold the bill up to the light, and you should see the thread with text or a denomination repeated on it.


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