Some $2 bills are worth more than $20,000 — here are three ways to check (2024)

By Weston Blasi

Here's how to see whether your $2 bill is worth a small fortune

Turning $2 into $20,000 has never been easier -- if you're lucky.

Some uncirculated U.S. $2 bills may be worth up to $20,000, but it depends on a few factors, according to Heritage Auctions, one of the largest auction houses in the world. And it's possible that you could have one tucked away in your wallet or in your kitchen junk drawer.

Why? Because many of us are obsessed with holding on to these particular banknotes.

"Americans don't spend $2 bills, because they think they are markedly scarce. However, the numbers tell us a different story," Dustin Johnston, vice president of Heritage Auctions, told MarketWatch. "Just in the last five years, they've printed 100 million $2 bills. The fact that they don't circulate and are kept as mementos is a little bit odd. Very few of them have numismatic or collector value."

So, because there's an abundance of $2 bills, odds are that your own legal tender in that denomination is worth face value. But it doesn't hurt to check to see if it's worth more, right?

So what sets apart the $2 bills that may have significant value? It all comes down to three key factors: serial numbers, when the banknotes were printed and their condition.

The serial number is the big one. It's printed on the left and right sides of the front of the bill, typically with a letter at the front. "What we look at is fancy serial numbers," Johnston said. "A serial number '1' for a 1976 $2 bill would be worth $20,000 or more. But [for] a majority of those people holding 1976 $2 bills, they are only worth face value. There are very few that actually exceed face value."

Other high-value serial numbers include what collectors call "solid" or "ladders." Solid serial numbers are codes that are all the same digit, like 88888888888, while a ladder number features digits listed in ascending order, such as 12345678910.

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And, as one might guess, older $2 bills tend to be more rare than newer ones. Bills considered "older" by collectors are over 100 years old.

"Beyond the fancy serial numbers, most of the value is going to be in the large size notes [from] 1918 and prior. [The] 1918s are very common. They typically start at $80 to $100 and go up from there," Johnston added. "The more recent ones, the 1920s and beyond, well over 99% are going to be worth marginally over face value."

But it's not as simple as saying that the older the $2 bill, the more value it may have, as the number of bills printed in a given year and the total number in circulation may also impact rarity.

The last major factor that people should look for in their $2 bill is condition. A crumpled and ripped $2 bill from a high-value year such as 1880 would be worth less than one in great condition. Like other collectibles, banknotes can be graded and encapsulated to help preservation. Notes and other collectibles sold at auction are typically graded.

"Grading can be expensive; it can be $20 to $30 a note. So we don't always have everything grade," Johnston said. "Many of the modern $2 bills, they can [be] crisp uncirculated and grade pretty high, but have marginal values, enough that they are not even worth being graded, so condition is not everything."

There are several different organizations that grade collectibles, such as PCGS, PSA and SGC.

For those with further inquiries about the value of their $2 bill or any other collectible banknote, Heritage Auctions offers free online appraisals where collectors can upload images to their website here.

The $2 bill dates back to 1862, and versions of the bill feature the likenesses of, initially, Alexander Hamilton and then later Thomas Jefferson. More $2 bills will likely be printed in the coming years, too, so Johnston doesn't recommend holding on to today's $2 bills in hopes of seeing them become valuable years from now.

"Holding on to the common ones for another 30 years -- they are common now, [and] they are going to probably stay common," he said. "You're almost better off spending them now, or depositing them in the bank vs. holding on to them."

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-Weston Blasi

This content was created by MarketWatch, which is operated by Dow Jones & Co. MarketWatch is published independently from Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.


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Some $2 bills are worth more than $20,000 — here are three ways to check (2024)


How do you check how much your $2 bill is worth? ›

You can find the value of your $2 bill by visiting their U.S. currency price guide online at U.S. Currency Auctions estimates that uncirculated $2 bills from 1890 could sell for up to $4,500, and uncirculated bills from nearly every year between 1862 and 1917 for at least $1,000.

What $2 bills are worth $20,000? ›

A serial number '1' for a 1976 $2 bill would be worth $20,000 or more. But [for] a majority of those people holding 1976 $2 bills, they are only worth face value. There are very few that actually exceed face value.” Other high-value serial numbers include what collectors call “solid” or “ladders.”

What makes a $2 bill worth more than $2 dollars? ›

If the $2 bill was minted and printed before 1976, it would likely be worth more than its face value on the collectibles market. In some cases, it might be worth only $2.25. The highest value is $4,500 or more for uncirculated notes from 1890, although most of those bills range from $550 to $2,500.

How much is a $2 bill worth thousands? ›

An auction site called U.S. Currency Auctions estimates that uncirculated $2 bills from 1890 could sell for at least $4,500. Uncirculated $2 bills from nearly every year from 1862 to 1899 could have an estimated value of over $1,000, the site says.

How do I verify a $2 bill? ›

Look for the Federal Reserve Bank Seal and the Treasury Seal. The Federal Reserve Bank Seal is black and appears to the left of the portrait on the bill. It includes the name and the corresponding letter of the Federal Reserve bank that distributed the bill.

What does the rarest $2 bill look like? ›

If your $2 bill dates back to 1886 and has a red seal with a silver certificate, you're in luck. That bill is worth $4,500. A number of other iterations of the $2 bills with a red seal can also fetch well over a $1,000. Bills with brown seals are also very valuable.

Where do I find the year on a $2 bill? ›

A unique combination of eleven numbers and letters appears twice on the front of the note. Each note has a unique serial number. The first letter of the serial number corresponds to the series year. A “star” suffix is used to identify notes that serve as replacements during the production process.

Is a $2 bill worth $2000? ›

According to U.S. Currency Auctions, uncirculated $2 bills with red or brown seals can fetch thousands. For example, an uncirculated 1890 series $2 bill with a brown seal can be worth at least $4,500. A circulated $2 bill with a red seal can sell for $2.25 to $2,500.

Are $2 bills still made? ›

Today, the general public is still largely unfamiliar with the notes because they are not widely circulated and continue to be hoarded. The common misconception that the $2 note is no longer being produced also remains, though $2 notes have been printed since 1862, except for a 10-year hiatus between 1966 and 1976.

Is it illegal to use a 2 dollar bill? ›

While it's not as widely used, the $2 bill is still legal tender and is in circulation if you keep an eye out. In fact, some folks even make a point to request $2 bills from banks and stores — they make cool rewards for kids.

How much is a $2 bill from 2017 worth? ›

Currency in Circulation: Value
17 more rows
May 5, 2023

How much is a 2013 $2 dollar bill worth in 2023? ›

Generally speaking, a $2 bill is typically worth $2 if it was produced between 1976 and 2013. Even an uncirculated $2 bill won't be worth more than face value if it was printed after 1976.

What $2 bill is worth 20 000? ›

The serial number is the big one. It's printed on the left and right sides of the front of the bill, typically with a letter at the front. “What we look at is fancy serial numbers,” Johnston said. “A serial number '1' for a 1976 $2 bill would be worth $20,000 or more.

How to look up a $2 bill worth? ›

What is my $2 bill worth? To find the value of your $2 bill, look at the year and seal color. Bills with red, brown and blue seals from 1862 through 1917 can be worth up to $1,000 or more on the U.S. Currency Auctions website, which bases the value on recent and past paper currency auctions.

How much is a $2 dollar bill worth in 2024? ›

Unless it has a unique feature, like a low serial number or misprint, a newer $2 bill likely isn't worth much more than $2, even if it's uncirculated.

How can I check the serial number on my money? ›

Serial numbers are eight-digit-long codes that are unique to each bill. They are accompanied by other identifying letters and numbers that tell us which series year the bill is from and where it was printed. They are found on the front of U.S. currency and are always printed twice.

Is my 1953 $2 bill worth anything? ›

Typically a 1953 red seal in this condition would be worth $5-10. However due to being a star note, I would value it around $15-25. You probably know this, but star notes were issued to replace bills that were damaged in production.

How much is a 1963 $2 bill worth? ›

1963 and 1963A red print two dollar bills are very common. Despite the difference between the A and non-A, both notes are equally common and worth the same amount of money in all grades. You can buy a circulated 1963 red seal two dollar bill any day of the week for around $3.

How to check dollar bill value? ›

Here are three things to look for on your bills if they are worth more than a dollar:
  1. The Series date located near the photograph of George Washington must read “Series 2013”
  2. The bill must have a “B” Federal Reserve Seal above the serial number.
Apr 28, 2024


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